Are you in front?

I’ve seen it in a few places on social media now and I remember it starting about this time last year too.

Have you seen it?

It’s the quote

‘If you haven’t started working on your (insert year) goals yet then you are already behind’

Well, I think I’m doing ok, whilst I don’t have anything written down, I have some sizeable ideas floating around in my head. Do you?

Here’s what I’ve got so far:

I have a couple of holidays booked, which will have subsequent savings goals associated with them. And also a personal goal to just to enjoy the moments as much as possible.

I have some exciting new directions for my business, Wellness Assist, in mind. These include helping other people achieve their health and wellness goals.

One big fitness goal – which will tick off a bucket list item!

Ok, so I do still have some work to do, I know already I will achieve more than these in 2017.  But hey, its a start and sometimes that’s all it takes to make a big difference, both personally and professionally.

You see, having goals gives you focus and you get what you focus on. Simple.  Think of it as a road map, or GPS if you will, so you know where you’re going. I know I can’t navigate major cities without a GPS, so of course when it comes to life, isn’t it obvious that you need a map too??

I have found that goals let us make the most of the time we have.

And we all know time is so precious.

So, if you aren’t sure where to start:

First – work out or remind yourself what’s important to YOU in YOUR life!  This becomes your ‘Why’.

Once you can be clear on your ‘Why’, the how will become so ridiculously clear.

That is all, now go, put yourself in front by familiarising yourself with your ‘Why’ and start making some 2017 plans!!!